FutureTexualizer[ In C ]
posted @ Sat, 31 Jul 2010 02:50:45 +0800
in Chapter 1 - Applications
, 1668 readers
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys\stat.h> unsigned buffer[3] = {0, 0, 0}; int curPos = 16; int code; int finish = 0; int size; void Encode(int x); FILE *fIn, *fOut; const int HIGHSTART = 0x81; const int LOWSTART = 0x80; const int LOWEND = 0xFE; int main(int argc, char** argv) { int i, j; char name[128]; if(argc != 2) return 0; fIn = fopen(argv[1], "rb"); if(fIn == NULL) return 0; struct stat st; if(stat(argv[1], &st) == 0) size = st.st_size; for(i = strlen(argv[1]); i >= 0; i--) if(argv[1][i] == '\\') break; for(j = i + 1; j <= strlen(argv[1]); j++) name[j - i - 1] = argv[1][j]; argv[1][i + 1] = 0; fOut = fopen(strcat(strcat(argv[1], name), "-texualized.txt"), "w"); if(fread(&buffer[1], 1, 1, fIn) != 1) return 0; fprintf(fOut, "%d\n%s\n", size, name); while(finish < 2) { if(feof(fIn) != 0) finish++, buffer[2] = 0; else fread(&buffer[2], 1, 1, fIn); curPos -= 8; if(curPos <= 8) { if(curPos <= 3) { code = (buffer[0] << (curPos + 5)) + (buffer[1] >> (3 - curPos)); code &= 0x1FFF; Encode(code); } else { code = (buffer[0] << (curPos + 5)) + (buffer[1] << (curPos - 3)) + (buffer[2] >> (11 - curPos)); code &= 0x1FFF; Encode(code); } curPos += 13; } buffer[0] = buffer[1]; buffer[1] = buffer[2]; } fclose(fIn); fclose(fOut); return 0; } void Encode(int x) { int high, low; high = x / (LOWEND - LOWSTART) + HIGHSTART; low = x % (LOWEND- LOWSTART) + LOWSTART; fprintf(fOut, "%c%c", high, low); }
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> unsigned char buffer[3] = {0, 0, 0}; FILE *fIn, *fOut; unsigned code; int curPos = 0; char tCh1, tCh2; int size; const int HIGHSTART = 0x81; const int LOWSTART = 0x80; const int LOWEND = 0xFE; unsigned Decode(char high, char low); int main(int argc, char** argv) { char add[128]; int i; unsigned char t; if(argc != 2) return 0; fIn = fopen(argv[1], "r"); if(fIn == NULL) return 0; fscanf(fIn, "%d\n", &size); fgets(add, 1024, fIn); add[strlen(add) - 1] = 0; for(i = strlen(argv[1]); i >= 0; i--) if(argv[1][i] == '\\') break; argv[1][i + 1] = 0; fOut = fopen(strcat(argv[1], add), "wb"); while(1) { if(fscanf(fIn, "%c%c", &tCh1, &tCh2) != 2) break; code = Decode(tCh1, tCh2); if(curPos <= 3) { t = 0; for(i = 0; i < 8 - curPos; i++) t = (t << 1) + 1; buffer[0] &= ~t; buffer[0] += code >> (curPos + 5); buffer[1] = (code << (3 - curPos)) & 0xFF; } else { t = 0; for(i = 0; i < 8 - curPos; i++) t = (t << 1) + 1; buffer[0] &= ~t; buffer[0] += code >> (curPos + 5); buffer[1] = (code >> (curPos - 3)) & 0xFF; buffer[2] = (code << (11 - curPos)) & 0xFF; } curPos += 13; while(curPos >= 8) { fwrite(&buffer[0], 1, 1, fOut); size--; if(size <= 0) { fclose(fIn); fclose(fOut); return 0; } buffer[0] = buffer[1], buffer[1] = buffer[2]; curPos -= 8; } } return 0; } unsigned Decode(char high, char low) { unsigned x; x = (high + 256 - HIGHSTART) * (LOWEND - LOWSTART) + (low + 256 - LOWSTART); return (x & 0x1FFF); }
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